Museum of the 20th Century
In 2005 the Museum of the 20th Century in Vienna could be have seen as just another redundant building in the hinterland of the world of art institutions. But if one side stepped the fact of its closed state then its potential became apparent. As an art museum, it has never been just a shell for housing artefacts but a location of art. As the latter, it could still be seen as functioning perfectly well, that is acting as part signifier of what a museum could or should be, and as part porthole for what might be there. The fragile yet state of the art market has added new topicality to the role of the museum within contemporary art. For me this raises questions that need to be understood if not answered.
The building by Karl Schwanzer was first used as an exhibition pavilion at the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels. After being relocated and adapted, it became the Museum of the Twentieth Century (1962 - 2002). 2018 it reopened as Belvedere 21 to be a harbour once more for contemporary and modern art.
The series was made between 2005 - 2009. To date this body of work has not been exhibited.
For moving image work relating to this series check in video.