found(not taken)
Arjun Appadurai argues that objects, as people, have a social life and that their value is defined by their positioning on the commodity pathway. Some things, such as ritual objects or family photographs, are deliberately precluded from being commoditized. Others reach a finite state as commodities being no use to anyone anymore. Over a period of two months, I took photographs of things that I found on the street on my daily walks to and from the school that my boys attended at the time. Some of these are barely recognisable for what they were, others are devoid of all their former function. For me, these objects as seen on the street, even though redundant, are not only mesmerizing in their appearance but raise questions about our relationship with everyday objects, about the validity of transient space, and ultimately about the act of photographing as a means of commoditization.
Found(not taken) was made in early spring 2015 and exhibited in Loose Space (2015) at the Kunstverein artP in Perchtoldsdorf.