Kestner Gesellschaft Hannover
This was the first time I worked with the photographic image on a large scale. The photo objects each measure 1.20 x 1.20 m and show an analogue manipulation of the exhibition space at Kestner Gesellschaft Hannover. The placement of the work direct on the floor and leaning against the wall is quite deliberate and is aimed to emphasize its transitional context between what is captured through the camera, the Kestner Gesellschaft in Hanover, and the transient space of the exhibition. The cut outs in the photographic objects not only remove the displayed artwork but also open up the image to its present surroundings.
The work was first shown in the solo show Aperture at Aspex Gallery in Portsmouth and later toured to the City Art Gallery of Wels. The show was accompanied by a catalogue. The main text by Carsten Ahrens can be found in the section word.